Howdy, folx. Welcome to another edition of What’s Resonating This Week!
Last week, we went heavy on story.
This week, we’re going heavy on Astrology and Tarot.
By the time I’d finished last week’s newsletter, I’d given all the writing energy I could expend before the “deadline.” So I decided that rather than giving you half-assed writing, I’d go ahead and slam a meme in there and call it a day.
This week, I tried something different. I wrote from the bottom up. I started my work by doing the Tarot reading you’ll experience at the end (or now—you have free will and can read this newsletter in any order you choose!), followed by quickly tossing in this week’s meme, and then a little bit of horoscope action under Astrological Musings.
I then wrote what you’re reading now.
A few things are resonating right now, but I find myself at a similar energy level to last week’s final paragraph on creativity. So, there will be no random topic of exposition this week. I shall aim to bring back the entire topical trinity for our next issue.
Astrological Musings
In addition to the Full Moon in Aquarius (we’ll talk more about this via the Tarot), August 19th sees Jupiter squaring Saturn. Squares create challenging tension, but tension that leads to growth when we meet the challenge head-on and push through. This square finds Jupiter, the planet of expansion, vs. Saturn, the planet of restriction. Jupiter is skating through Gemini, amplifying our curiosity and communication, while Saturn slogs through Pisces, clamping down on our willingness to dream big dreams. Jupiter says go for it, while Saturn asks if you’ve considered all the risks. If you successfully thread the needle of these energies, you’ll find you’ve grown tall enough to reach for the stars with your feet planted firmly on the ground.
Later this week, the Sun (August 22nd) and Vesta (August 24th) will slide into Virgo. The Sun’s transit triggers the beginning of Virgo season and the advent of the archetype of the Priestex. The Priestex bridges the gap between the spiritual and the mundane. Grounded spirituality—energy not unlike what we can channel from Jupiter vs. Pisces Square! Now is the opportunity to revisit your daily routines and rituals, asking if they serve your complete self—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Pay attention to the small details. Spend time in reflection, and translate your insights to practical refinements. And spend time reconnecting with nature in a way that’s meaningful to you.
Vesta’s transit marks a homecoming, as this goddess asteroid domiciles in Virgo. Vesta is named for the Roman goddess of the hearth, and she lights the flame of devotion within us. This Virgo season, pay close attention to your rituals of sacred duty and dedication, whatever those may be. For a worshipper of deity, this may look like refreshing your sacred space or experimenting with a new daily spiritual practice. If deity worship is not part of your practice, you can replace deity with whatever you hold most dear: friends, family, community, etc. One of my favorite devotional practices is exchanging audio messages with a friend daily about the things we are grateful for that morning.
Let’s Pull Some Cards
I’m writing this ninety minutes from the Full Moon in Aquarius, so doing a Lunar Month-Ahead Forecast for my Contemplating Resonance subscribers seemed like a good idea.
Here’s how they work. I draw three cards:
The overall theme or energy for the month ahead.
The theme or energy of the first two weeks of the month.
The theme or energy of the last two weeks of the month.
Lunar Months cover the approximately 28-day period between matching lunation events. This forecast covers the period from the Full Moon in Aquarius on August 19, 2024, until the Full Moon in Pisces on September 17, 2024.
Overall Theme: The Chariot
This month is about moving forward. Whatever situation you find yourself in this month, it will take a lot of willpower and determination to control it. But you will take control. You will succeed in this endeavor.
You’re starting this journey out on your own. The wagon train moves away in a cloud of dust while you walk alone. You walk with purpose, your head fixed firmly toward your destination. Just don’t let your independence turn you into a lone ranger. You’ll still need others to support your quest, and it’s only fitting to pay it forward.
Weeks One and Two: Strength
You begin your journey independently. You are the lion. This grounded but firey sovereign of the kingdom looks intently at their vision of the future.
Your strength comes from within, but sometimes even the lion needs someone on which to lean. You may make or renew a personal, business, or even spiritual connection during this time who will walk with you shoulder to shoulder until the journey’s end.
Weeks Two and Three: Four of Pentacles
You’ve pushed through the challenge and firmly taken control of the situation. You’ve reached the top. The close of this month has you resting comfortably in your reward.
You even look a bit smug about it. Material success feels good. Just don’t forget the giant shoulders on which you stood to get here. Don’t forget the partners who came alongside to give you strength. Keep the flow of abundance moving by introducing some generosity into your success.
And Now For Something Completely Different
That’s all for this edition of What’s Resonating This Week! Catch you next Tuesday!
This was cool, Matt. I am so eager to learn more about Vesta and hearth traditions, so I'm glad you mentioned that in an astrological context.