Howdy, folx. Welcome to another edition of What’s Resonating This Week!
It’s Virgo season! As I’ve gone from zero to professional astrologer, I’ve looked forward to this time, as it’s significant and powerful for me.
According to my natal chart, I’m a Virgo sandwich.
My Ascendant, or “Rising Sign," is Virgo, representing my outermost self. It rules over my identity and personality. It represents the person you meet when you and I first encounter one another.
My Moon Sign is also Virgo, representing my innermost self. It rules over my emotions, my intuition, and my self-care. It represents what I need to feel safe, nurtured, and supported.
Sandwiched between them is my middle self—my Sun Sign, Sagittarius. My joy, happiness, creativity, and what I need to feel like my most authentic self. It represents what lights me up and fuels my passion.
If you are familiar with astrology (and the classic southern USA fried chicken sandwich), you’ll recognize this as the spicy sandwich rather than the original recipe!
It’s My Personal Spring
I’ve thought for a long time that I don’t resonate with the natural energy of the seasons.
Summer has always felt like a slog. It’s hotter than Satan’s asshole outside, and all I want to do is hunker down in the A/C and take a nap. If you drag me to the beach, all I’m going to do is what I’m doing at home—reading a fucking book. You can keep your beaches and your water sports.
Winter has always felt like the most beautiful time that shows up and disappears in the wink of an eye. I’ve experienced Winter living in the deep south of the United States and visiting the Nordic region via Denmark. Snow does not faze me. I don’t want to play in it, but it won’t shut me down and make me raid the supermarket. I’m still reading a book by the fire with my cozy blankets and a dram of whisky.
Most people start waking up in the Spring.
I start getting sleepy.
Most people start winding down in the Autumn.
I start waking up.
Tenae Stewart teaches the concept of Personal Seasons in her astrology programs. Her idea, which resonates deeply with me, is that the astrological season of your Ascendant signals the beginning of your personal astrological new year.
The first set of signs, falling in the First, Second, and Third Houses of your natal chart1, represent your Personal Spring.
The second set of signs, falling in your natal chart's Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Houses, represent your Personal Summer.
The third set of signs, falling in your natal chart's Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth Houses, represent your Personal Autumn.
The fourth set of signs, falling in your natal chart's Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth Houses, represent your Personal Winter.
You can ignore this concept if it doesn’t resonate with you. But if it does, you might benefit from exploring how you can better integrate the energy and activities you associate with your Personal Seasons vs. those you associate with the natural seasons.
Feeling the Vibe
Virgo season, as you might expect from mutable Earth energy, has me organizing all of the things.
As we wind through the dog days of summer, I tend to start letting things slip. I make a mess of my calendar. I have notes strewn all over my computer and my office on a myriad of sheets of paper. I’ve likely multiple piles of books that I’ve been thumbing through but not exactly reading.
Maybe it’s because my Virgo nature takes a bit of a nap during my Personal Winter, but I somehow tolerate these lapses in maintaining my systems.
Until we tip over into Virgo season.
Then it’s no longer acceptable.
Then we’ve got to get shit back under control.
So what have I been doing?
I’ve invested in a Notion Mastery course. For better or worse, I’ve committed to Notion as not only my Second Brain but also the place where I’m managing the flow of both of my businesses. My Notion workspace is a complete dumpster fire right now, and I have to get that under control.
My browser bookmarks are a shitshow. I can never locate the target of my searches. I took the whole lot of them, tossed them into a folder called “Inbox,” and I’m setting a timer for ten minutes each day to sort or shitcan the entire list.
I’m also getting more organized in my spiritual life. I’m drawn to an even more significant relationship with the Morrigan than I’ve nurtured thus far. I’m exploring what She desires of me, and I’ve created additional structure in my devotional life to support that.
Let’s Pull Some Cards
Let’s lean into Virgo and do an Oracle spread focused on the energy of the season:
I wanted something earthy for this spread, so I decided to reach for The Southern Botanic Oracle by my friend and Memphis neighbor,
.How can I better ground myself?
Hellebore (Helleborus): Temptation • Danger
According to the guide, this card represents “your darker side and the negative forces that hold you back from being the best version of yourself.” I know no better way to be more grounded than to do the shadow work necessary to identify and integrate that which lives in our unconscious minds. You will never be more grounded by attempting to avoid or repress these aspects of yourself. Running from your shadows only amplifies their expression in your life. Your unconscious is trying hard to communicate with you—it’s here to help you. Your job is to let it speak.
Where should I be more organized?
Comfrey (Symphytum): Healing • Protection
This card focuses on protection. According to the guide, comfrey is a “good luck charm and protective charm for travelers.” It’s calling you to be more organized about the protections you have in place, both in the mundane world and the spiritual. This could mean revisiting your insurance policies and checking for gaps, making sure any locks on your physical property are in good shape, or maybe installing a security system. On the other hand, if you’re of the magickal persuasion, it could include creating or refreshing wards or doing energetic protection work on yourself.
Where should I be kinder to myself?
Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum): Family • Bloodline
Virgos have a well-known reputation for perfectionism and come down harder on no one other than themselves. Bloodline ancestry can be difficult to grapple with - it’s one of the few things you cannot choose. Each of our ancestral lines has good, bad, and most likely a bit of ugly. Generational trauma is a thing. Fortunately, while our ancestry influences us, it does not define us. We can and should love ourselves despite the good, bad, and most likely a little bit of ugly inherited from our parents, their parents, and so on. We can’t choose our ancestry, but we can choose our attitude toward it.
And Now For Something Completely Different
That’s all for this edition of What’s Resonating This Week! Catch you next Tuesday!
I use the Whole Signs astrological house system. Whole Signs houses are always 30º, with your First House aligning with 0º of the sign of your Ascendant.
Love the Sagittarius description!! And here’s to our personal springs!